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Meridian Afternoon


Time flies. Our guest exhibition is already halfway. This exhibition is always free to visit, but we would like to offer you another opportunity to visit with all the bells and whistles. So come to the Meridian Afternoon on Sunday 13 February, an afternoon activity filled with readings, poetry and music.


Start 2.30 pm

Carl De Strycker in conversation with Jan Mulder
Visual artist/painter Jan Mulder is curator of the guest exhibition The Meridian of the Heart. Carl De Strycker, director of het Poëziecentrum, talks to him about his visual journey through poems by Paul Celan.

Akim A.J. Willems with recitation poem cycle inspired by Celan
Poet, writer, visual artist Akim A.J. Willems tells and recites from his cycle of poems inspired by the poetry of Paul Celan. In collaboration with Poëziecentrum, Ghent.

Heleen Schuttevaêr performs ‘The Journey
Pianist/singer Heleen Schuttevaêr performs music from all corners of the world, from jazz to blues, from tango to French waltz. Famous pieces and her own work.

Short film based on Celan’s poem by filmmaker/dancer Ruth Meyer.

The ideal Sunday activity. Entrance is free, but registration is required. You can do this by sending an e-mail to reservaties@kazernedossin.eu. Before you come, be sure to check the website for the latest covid guidelines. We keep our page with COVID measures page up-to-date to ensure a smooth visit.

  • Sunday 13.02.2022, 2.30 pm
  • Dutch
  • Kazerne Dossin, 4th floor, auditorium
  • 2 hours
  • Free, after sending an e-mail to reservaties@kazernedossin.eu
  • In cooperation with Poëziecentrum